Benefits of Upgrading to a Smart Thermostat

February 2, 2022
Smart Thermostat Installation | Anderson, SC

Installing a new thermostat can seem like a useless and expensive upgrade for your Anderson, SC home but we can assure you that that’s not the case whatsoever. If you’ve ever struggled to find a balance of keeping your home comfortable while also keeping your energy bills at a minimum, a smart thermostat can really help you. Smart thermostats can increase your heating and air conditioning systems efficiency and lifespan while ensuring your Anderson, SC home remains comfortable. Keep reading below to learn about some of the benefits of upgrading to a smart thermostat. 

User Friendly & Convenient

Modern smart thermostats come with touch screens and smart features that make them easier for almost anyone to use. After all, they were designed not only to decrease your home energy usage but to also be user friendly. Smart thermostat are also extremely convenient. You can be anywhere in the world and can change the settings on your thermostat with your phone. Because smart thermostats connect to your home Wi-Fi, you’re able to adjust the temperature in your home no matter where you are or what you’re doing.

Programming Capabilities

Another amazing feature of smart thermostats is that you can preset the temperature settings on your thermostat in advance to maximize your energy efficiency and your Anderson, SC home comfort. That means you can lower your thermostat temperature in the wintertime while you’re away from home and have it set to crank back up upon your arrival. This helps reduce wear and tear on your heating unit while also decreasing your energy bills. The best part about it is that you won’t even be able to feel the difference, you’ll just be able to see the difference in savings.

Learning Capabilities

Finally, smart thermostats really live up to their name with their unique learning capabilities. Over time, your smart thermostat will learn and pick up on your heating and cooling patterns and can make automatic adjustments on its own to increase comfort while decreasing your energy usage. Smart thermostats will even generate energy usage reports for you with suggestions on how to lower your monthly energy cost.

To learn more about some of the smart thermostats we carry and install here at Electric City Heating & Cooling, check out our products page or give our team a call today. We are always happy to help our customers here in the greater Anderson, SC area with any and every heating and air conditioning service need they may have.

July 7, 2022
Your air conditioner is an essential part in keeping you, your family, and your home cool and comfortable in the summertime, especially here in the greater Anderson, South Carolina area. When your air conditioner breaks down, waiting for a qualified HVAC professional to come to your home can sometimes take longer than you’d like, especially during the busy summer season here in Anderson, South Carolina. The good news is that there are a surprising number of instances that you can diagnose and repair (or temporarily repair) your broken AC on your own. Below, we will discuss some troubleshooting tips and highlight a few common issues and solutions for your AC unit in hopes to get your air conditioner back up and running again. Troubleshooting Tips Change Thermostat Batteries: Even though it sounds so simple, have you check the batteries in your thermostat? Do you remember the last time they were changed? If your batteries are dead and have not been changed in a while, your AC issues might be because your thermostat. Without functioning batteries, your thermostat cannot effectively control and communicate with your AC unit. Make Sure the Thermostat is Properly Set Up: Again, sometimes fixing your air conditioner issues is as simple as learning about your thermostat settings. If your thermostat is set incorrectly, your AC unit may not work the way you want it to, which can lead you to thinking that your air conditioner is broken. You might have your thermostat set to heat instead of cooling. It’s easy to forget to make the switch when the seasons change, especially when you have a programmable or smart thermostat. Double check your thermostat settings before assuming your air conditioner is broken. Check Your Circuit Breaker: The next thing that you can try is checking out your circuit breaker. If the circuit breaker connected to the AC unit has been tripped, you’ll need to reset it. Make sure you check this before assuming your air conditioner needs a costly repair. Replace the Air Filter: When your air filters become too dirty, they hinder the air flow throughout your home. As a result, your air conditioner won’t be able to work as well and can sometimes lead people to believe that their AC unit needs to be inspected. If you don’t remember the last time you changed your air filters, it’s time to change them. Check the Air Vents: It’s also essential that all of your air ducts and air vents are clean and clear. When they get clogged by dust or dirt, the air cannot flow properly throughout your home. By simply cleaning your air vents, you could notice a tremendous difference in your home comfort. There could also be some issues within your air ducts that you can’t see that could prevent your AC unit from working effectively. When to Call in the Professionals If any of the above troubleshooting tips don’t solve your current air conditioning problems, it might be time to call in the professionals at Electric City Heating & Cooling in Anderson, South Carolina. While there are a lot of thing you can do on your own to combat common AC problems, there are times when only a HVAC professional can help you. Strange Noises Coming from your AC Unit Improperly Installed Air Conditioner Issues with the Outdoor Unit And More! If you need any help with your air conditioner this summer, give Electric City Heating & Cooling a call today! We are always ready to help our customers in the greater Anderson, South Carolina area!
May 23, 2022
The Electric City Heating & Cooling team provides exceptional heating and air conditioning service to the greater Anderson, SC area. Part of our exceptional service includes educating our customers about the basics of their HVAC system so they can get the most out of it. Our team of air conditioning experts have answered some of the most frequently asked air conditioning questions we receive from our customers in hopes to help you better understand your cooling system. Keep reading below to learn more! How Can I Cool My Home More Efficiently? With the constant use of air conditioning during the summer here in the greater Anderson, SC area, we know it’s important to think about how to decrease your energy usage. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to improve the energy efficiency of your home cooling system including the following: Install a programmable thermostat Use your ceiling fans Schedule routine AC maintenance Regularly change your air filters Is Air Conditioning Maintenance Important? If you want your AC unit to perform optimally and efficiently for as long as possible, regular professional air conditioning maintenance is extremely important. Regular AC maintenance not only helps keep your cooling system operating effectively and efficiently, it also helps prevent costly AC repairs and prolongs your systems lifespan. Check out our air conditioning service page to learn more about our AC maintenance service. Should I Repair or Replace My Air Conditioner? Replacing your air conditioning system is not a small investment so it shouldn’t be treated as one. There are a few things to consider when faced with the decision to repair or replace your air conditioning system including the age of your AC unit, the cost of the repair needed, the state of your energy bills, the comfort of your Anderson, SC home, etc. We suggest working with your local HVAC contractor when faced with the decision to repair or replace your AC unit.
April 4, 2022
It’s not unusual for the air in your home to be more polluted than the air outside. This is not a reflection of your housekeeping skills, it is a result of air-tight, energy efficient construction that seals in pet dander, dust, fumes, and other contaminants. We know that there is no substitute for you and your family’s health. Fortunately, the team here at Electric City Heating & Cooling is here to give you tips and solutions for improving the IAQ (indoor air quality) in your Anderson, SC home. Keep reading below to learn more about how to improve your home indoor air quality. What Causes Poor IAQ? Contaminants such as dander, pet hair, dirt and pollen are some of the most common culprits of poor indoor air quality. However simple activities like cooking and cleaning can cause pollution by releasing volatile organic compounds like gases into the air. Even your furniture, cleaning products, beauty products and candles contribute to poor IAQ in your Anderson, SC home. In some cases, your IAQ can also be polluted with mold, bacteria, viruses and mildew. How to Improve Your IAQ Dust & Vacuum Regularly Some of the most effective solutions are the simplest ones. We know it sounds silly but dusting and vacuuming regularly can really make a difference in the quality of your indoor air. Putting some elbow grease into cleaning your Anderson, SC home can help cut down on indoor air pollutants. Change Your Air Filters Like the previous tip, this is another simple yet effective solution. Regularly changing out your air filters every one to three months will ensure that your air filters catch as many pollutants as possible. When your filters are too dirty, they cannot capture contaminants as effectively as when they are clean and in good condition. It’s a simple but power tip that can not only help improve your IAQ, but will also help to improve your heating and air conditioning systems air flow and efficiency. Consider Installing a Whole-Home Air Cleaner Finally, consider installing a whole-home air cleaner/purifier in your Anderson, SC home. Adding air purifiers, humidifiers and dehumidifiers can go a long way to creating a healthier indoor environment. They are easy to use, effective, and easy to install. From installing new air conditioning systems to simply providing indoor air quality advice, the experts here at Electric City Heating & Cooling are here to help keep your Anderson, SC home’s air as clean as possible. Give our team a call today to learn more about our services or check out our HVAC service page !
March 11, 2022
We are no strangers to hot and humid spring and summers here in the greater Anderson, SC area. The high temperatures we see require a properly functioning air conditioning system to keep us cool and comfortable. One of the best ways to ensure that your cooling system is prepared to tackle the upcoming heat is to schedule regular HVAC maintenance. We find that many homeowners are hesitant to schedule maintenance services because they seem unnecessary when your air conditioner shows no sign of trouble. However routine AC maintenance is essential and very necessary if you want your cooling system to last as long as possible and perform efficiently and effectively. If you’re unsure about when the best time to call your local Anderson, SC HVAC contractor to schedule an appointment is, now is the perfect time! We recommend having professional AC maintenance performed in the early spring to ensure your air conditioner is prepared before you have to rely on it 24/7 for comfort. To learn about some of the major benefits routine air conditioning maintenance offers, keep reading below. Benefits of Regular Spring Air Conditioner Maintenance Improved Comfort Increased HVAC system energy efficiency Better indoor air quality Decreased energy usage Longer HVAC system lifespan Lower energy bills And more! To learn more about the professional HVAC system maintenance we provide here at Electric City Heating & Cooling, check out our maintenance service page or give our Anderson, SC office a call today!
January 4, 2022
With the winter season officially here, you’ll be relying on your heating system to keep your Anderson, SC home warm and comfortable. Here at Electric City Heating & Cooling, we know that homeowners look for as many ways as possible to cut back on their costs including their energy bills. One way to cut down on these costs is to have a heating system that runs efficiently and effectively. Below, we will walk you through a few tips to help make your heating system run more efficiently this winter. Replace Your Air Filters Your air filters play an important role in the overall effectiveness and efficiency of your heating and air conditioning system. They remove the airborne particles that can make your heating system work poorly and decrease your indoor air quality. Dirty air filters force your heating system to work harder than necessary and also negatively impact your IAQ. We suggest changing your air filters once every 1-3 months for optimal energy efficiency in your Anderson, SC home this winter. Seal Any Leaks & Add Insulation If you have any leaks or cracks in your home insulation, you’re only hurting your home comfort and heating and air conditioning system. Leaks and insufficient insulation allow the warm air your heating system produces to escape your home and lets the cold air from outside enter. This forces your heating unit to work harder than it should to keep your Anderson, SC home at a comfortable temperature. Be sure to seal any leaks or cracks and add sufficient insulation in your home. Use Your Thermostat Wisely Finally, be sure to use your thermostat wisely. If you’re constantly cranking your thermostat up and down, you are adding unnecessary strain on your heating system which results in an increase in energy usage. We suggest keeping your thermostat set to one temperature while you’re home and one temperature while you’re away. If you have a programmable thermostat, you can pre-program your thermostat to do this for you in order to save energy and money. To learn about some of the smart thermostats we carry and install here at Electric City Heating & Cooling, check out our products page .
December 6, 2021
Even though the fall and winters here in the greater Anderson, SC area are never unbearable, we still have some pretty cold and chilly days. That’s why it’s so important to have a reliable and effective heating system in your Anderson, SC home to keep you and your family members warm and comfortable. To help you avoid heating system emergencies this winter, the Electric City Heating & Cooling team is here to help. Keep reading below to learn about some of the most common warning signs that your heating system may be failing you. Loud & Unusual Noises It’s normal for your heating system to make a small amount of noise while running, especially when it first turns on. However if you’re hearing excessive sounds coming from your heating system, it’s best to get it looked over by a heating and cooling professional. Rattling, squealing, or loud banging noises can be caused by loose or broken parts. Lack of Heat While this is obvious, it’s important to note. If your Anderson, SC home is lacking warmth and comfort, your heating system is likely failing you. Whether your furnace just needs a quick repair or a complete replacement, it’s important to have your heating system inspected by a HVAC professional to see what’s wrong and how they can restore the comfort in your home. Age of Heating System With proper care and regular maintenance, your furnace can last around 12-15 years. As your heating system ages, it lacks in efficiency and effectiveness. If your heating system is nearing the end of its life, it’s a good idea to go ahead and plan for a replacement in the future. If you already know what kind of furnace or heat pump you want in your Anderson, SC home, it will make the replacement and installation process that much easier and smoother when the time comes. Higher Electricity Bills Finally, if you’ve noticed a significant increase in your electricity bills this heating season, it’s likely because of a faulty heating system. It’s normal for your energy bill to increase in the summer and winter months, but you shouldn’t notice a heavy increase. Look back on your energy bills from the past few years around the same time – are they similar to now? If not, be sure to call your local Anderson, SC heating and cooling professional to come check out your heating system and repair what’s necessary. If you’re interested in learning more about some of the heating systems we carry and install here at Electric City Heating & Cooling, check out our products page or give the team a call today! We’re always ready and willing to help our customers here in the greater Anderson, SC area.
November 3, 2021
Because not every heating and air conditioning company is the same, learning to choose the best HVAC contractor is critical for your homes comfort. Whether you need an air conditioning replacement or a furnace repair, it’s important that you can trust your heating and cooling contractor completely to restore the comfort in your Anderson, SC home while keeping you and your family safe. Below, we’re offering tips to help consumers here in the greater Anderson, SC area evaluate local heating and cooling companies to find the best one for their needs. Know What You Want & Need Before you begin your heating and air conditioning contractor search, it’s important to know what you want and need in a HVAC company. Do you need to find a company that offers financing options? Do you want a company that provides 24/7 emergency service? These are the kinds of questions you should be asking yourself before beginning your search. It will make narrowing down companies that much easier in the long run! Ask Your Friends & Family Members Once you know what you’re looking for, it’s time to ask your friends and close by family members if they have any recommendations. Maybe your next door neighbor loves their heating and cooling contractor and has only good things to say about them. Or maybe your parents have a few companies to warn you about. Whether good or bad, asking your friends and family members is a great way to start compiling your list of potential HVAC contractors. Read Online Reviews Once you have your list of potential HVAC contractors, it’s time to start reading their online reviews and checking out their online presence. Websites like Google, Facebook, Yelp, etc. are all great places to find online reviews. Not every review will be 100% truthful but for the most part, you can get a general idea of the company you’re working with from the majority of the reviews. Go With Your Gut Finally, go with your gut. After all, it’s your Anderson, SC home and you have to choose the HVAC company that you feel is the best choice for you and your family. As long as you feel comfortable with your decision and can trust your heating and air conditioning contractor completely, you’re making a good decision. Just be sure you have done all of your research and due diligence before paying a HVAC contractor lots of money for brand new equipment, service, etc. If you’re still searching for a heating and cooling contractor you can trust here in the greater Anderson, SC area, give the Electric City Heating and Cooling team a call today! To learn more about our professional HVAC services, check out our service page . We’re always happy to help our customers here in the Anderson, SC area with all of their heating and cooling service needs.
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